The girls and I sat in traffic by Crestwood, KY today for over 2 hours, on our way back from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. A fatal accident had accured just miles in front of us that closed down HWY I-71 N. It took us twice as long to get home than it should have; Bailynn screaming roughly 75% of the way.
My brain is mush. My exhaustion through the roof. A long day of doctors, scans, tests and concern. The last thing we needed was to sit on the hwy. (There is a hilarious story in this visit, but I will have to save it for another post – once I have some sleep!)
I have never been part of a stand still such as this. I have been in traffic, but this was the  most epic shut down of a HWY I have ever seen in real life. People walked around their cars. Trucks over heated. Drivers interacted with one another. Helicopters circled. I half expected a musical number to break out (Yes, I have watched too many movies). None of us knew what was going on. We sat. The exit well out of site.
It took us over 2 hours to go 1.3 miles to be evacuated off the HWY. I was parked on a HWY for hours today; again with Bai screaming. We blared music, the girls watched a movie. I scoured the internet for info.
Now that I am home I find the story. People ejected from their vehicle, which had rolled. Loss of life. Part of the HWY needs “reconstructed” and will be closed till at least 10PM, maybe longer. I was redirected through tiny roads in Horse country, rolling hills, bubbling brooks, mansions (like for real crazy huge mansions) but my family made it home.
My heart prays for those who are not afforded that luxury tonight. People who were told their loved ones died horrifically today on an interstate. It inconvenienced us. It made Bai furious , but we are  home – safe and sound. What a day.

For Her

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